Apple Address Book Windows 7
Managing Apple i. OS Devices From Windows Intune. This was the most exciting thing I saw at MMS 2. I knew what System Center was capable of, but I wasnt expecting to see i. Phones and i. Pads as well as Android, etc being managed by Microsoft from the cloud, using the same solution for managing PCs. Continuity All your devices. One seamless experience. Your Mac works with your other Apple devices in ways no other computer can. If you get a call on your iPhone. This week Ive been setting up a demo environment in Windows Intune Wave D thanks to my colleagues at work for the help in setting up the partner. Its one thing to manage PCs, but you really score points with customers when you can show a Microsoft product managing the rivals. I use Ubuntu as my guest OS when showing of Hyper V. I want to show of an i. Pad Mini being managed by Windows Intune The process is documented on Tech. Net, with links from the Windows Intune console. I use documented very loosely. The information incomplete in my opinion. So here are my notes A step I missed in this documentation is choosing your mobile device management solution. I chose the Windows Intune option, instead of using System Center with Windows Intune, which was under Tasks in Administration Mobile Device Management. The Push Notification Certificate. The first requirement for managing i. OS devices is that you have an Apple ID for your company. There is no cost to this. This contrasts with the 7. Windows Phone developer account for managing Windows Phone 8. Now open the Windows Intune admin console and browse to Administration Mobile Device Management i. OS Upload an APNs Certificate. Confusion point there is more to this than a simple upload. Heres how. Click Download The APNs Certificate Request. This downloads a. CSR file certificate request. Now you browse to the Apple Push Certificates Portal. Here is where you upload the. CSR file that you just downloaded from Windows Intune. If like me, youre using IE, you will likely be prompted about a. JSON file. Ignore that. Refresh the page I muddled about here trying to figure out the JSON thing and you should end up with something like the below Click Download to get a file called MDM Microsoft CorporationCertificate. PEM this is the certificate that you will be uploading to Windows Intune. It will uniquely identify your organisation to managed i. OS devices or something like that. Return to Windows Intune where you downloaded the. Apple Address Book Windows 7' title='Apple Address Book Windows 7' />But unlike 3. Phone 7 via the Applemade dongle, theres no way to do the reverse and get Lightning headphones to work. Fix for iPhone and BMW iDrive address book not synchronising. Big Enough for a Bed Sesame Street Apple Jordan, John E. Barrett on Amazon. FREEshipping on qualifying offers. Elmo is just too big for his crib Hes. Apple Address Book Windows 7' title='Apple Address Book Windows 7' />CER file, and click Upload The APNs Certificate. Browse in the dialog and select the. PEM file you just got from Apple. You also need to supply the Apple ID name that was used in the Apple Push Certificates Portal to create the PEM file. That all sounds messy. I agree. But you only have to do it once in your portal every year. Check the previous Apple screenshot and look at the expiry date for the APN certificate. It only lasts for 1 year. Set a recurring reminder in your and your colleagues calendar to repeat this process in advance of the expiration you dont want to be digging up email addresses and passwords. And document what accountspasswords are being used. Please use a strong passphrase for your Apple ID. Create User Accounts. You create user accounts in the Windows Intune Accounts site. You can set up AD synchronisation instead of manually creating your users. A warning management of the devices will not work unless you add the users to the Windows Intune user group in the Accounts site. Open the user, click Group, and check the Windows Intune box Enroll the Device. This is a crude mechanism. You need to supply the IOS device user probably via email with the following information At this point theres a whole bunch of crap that happens from the Apple side. You have to OK lots of things to enable the device to volunteer to be managed Install, Install, Install Now, Install, and then Done. A Company Portal app its actually a web shortcut that opens the mobile site in Safari is installed on the i. CtCBynKzZSOSX8Wj6cZBD1sEN94=/768x0/filters:no_upscale()/MigrationAssistantElCap-5711580d3df78c3fa2b7631f.jpg' alt='Apple Address Book Windows 7' title='Apple Address Book Windows 7' />OS device. Now the user can open the Company Portal, log in using their Intune account, and install company supplied apps. Heres a screenshot of a user browsing a serious business app on an i. Pad Mini in the Windows Intune catalog. You can add apps from the Apple App Store just links which open the App Store and allow the user to install apps as always or you can develop in house apps and side load them directly from Windows Intune, bypassing the app store completely. Good news you use the exact same tool for managing apps on all types of devices, including PCs. And its pretty simple to use too. The Management Profile. Part of the configuration on the device is setting up the Management Profile. You can find this under Settings General Profile Management Profile. You can expand More Details to see more information might be useful for troubleshooting certificates. You can remove management of the device by Intune returning the device to the user by clicking Remove. It takes a few seconds to remove the profile. Management Profile should disappear from Profile after this and Windows Intune is now nothing to do with the machine again. Device Not Appearing In the Console. The documentation says To enable i. OS devices to receive notifications using a wireless connection, make sure that port 5. There is no mention if this is an inbound or outbound port requirement, or if it is TCP probably andor UDP. You could also read it as a firewall requirement on the actual i. OS device itself which it isnt. I had the devices on the lab at work and, while I could pull down apps from and browse the Company Portal, the devices refused to appear in the console. Want to check if its working OK Log into the Company Portal on the device in question, and browse to Support. If the name of the device appears there then comms seem to be OK and the device is registered at least in my experience I have no idea if thats a valid indicator but it works for me so far. On the Wi Fi in the company lab, the devices refused to register. I put them onto 3. G and they registered pretty quickly, and you can see lots of information for each device. Reinstalling The Management Profile. I decided to remote the management profile and try to re add the i. OS device to Windows Intune. I could not get the device to re register to Windows Intune using the above process. I believe the correct procedure is to log into the Company Portal, hit Support, click Change, and click Add Another Device. This has worked for me a couple of times. Policy. You can create Mobile Device Security Policy objects in the admin console. There are some generic and some i. OS specific settings Summary. Cd Esse Alguem Sou Eu Do Leonardo Para Baixar. The certificate stuff is a bit fiddly but youll only have to do that once per company, per year. I cant be sure, but I guess that is an Apple restriction on the validity of the APN certificate. After that, its a pretty simple process. Enrolment of these consumer style devices will always with any product be user driven. You cant push management onto a consumer or BYOD device. If necessary, you could do the sneaker net thing. I can envision helpdesks doing a lot of that for BYOD management. Some of the Apple folks in the office were very impressed with this solution. Centralised management of mobile particularly i. OS is a hot topic right now. Windows Intune does a nice job. Does it have all the bells and whistles of a Zenprise No, but Intune has a nice price at around 4. Q-See Usb 2.0 Software'>Q-See Usb 2.0 Software. Throw in Software Assurance 8.