Peoplesoft Authorized Actions
OR ACL E D AT A SH E ET PEOPLESOFT HELPDESK FOR HUMAN RESOURCES managing spikes in call volume while still providing accurate, consistent. Transparent Data Encryption Frequently Asked Questions. Will encrypted data be decrypted for all users who have been authorized to see itYes, TDE is designed to provide customers the ability to transparently apply encryption within the database without impacting existing applications. Returning data in encrypted format would break most existing applications. TDE provides the benefit of encryption without the overhead associated with traditional database encryption solutions that typically require expensive and lengthy changes to applications, incl. Oracle Database Vault can be used to protect application data from the DBA and other powerful users as well as implementing robust controls on access to the database and application. What is the overhead associated with TDE Table A What is the overhead associated with TDE TDE tablespace encryptionOracle Database 1. TDE column encryptionOracle Database 1. Peoplesoft Authorized Actions' title='Peoplesoft Authorized Actions' />Infosys blog on industry solutions, trends, business process transformation and global implementation in Oracle. This Tutorial gives you information on how to build your first advanced dashboard in tableau. Read More GUIDELINE STATEMENT. In order to promote greater economy and efficiency, the legislature has delegated authority concerning certain activities, such as purchasing and. Posting Title ACCOUNTANT, P3 Temporary Job Opening Job Code Title ACCOUNTANT. Department Office United Nations Office at Geneva. Duty Station GENEVA. Article-Images/1469en_abr1_9.png' alt='Peoplesoft Authorized Actions' title='Peoplesoft Authorized Actions' />R2,Oracle Database 1. Storage. No additional storage overhead. Storage overhead associated with TDE column encryption is between 1 and 5. Mandatory Padding to the next 1. AES with 3. DES1. When a value required 9 bytes of storage, encrypting this value requires an additional 7 bytes of storage. Optional Additional 2. Optional If SALT is specified on the encrypted column, an additional 1. These numbers are important for storage planning, but DBAs or developers dont have to manually expand the columns for TDE column encryption the expansion is done transparently by TDE when a column is marked encrypted. Users can reduce the amount of additional storage by choosing the no salt option 1. Oracle Database 1. Release 2, which eliminates the additional CPU cycles and disk space needed for calculating and storing the 2. Performance. According to internal benchmarks and feedback from successful production implementations, the performance overhead is in the single digits. With Oracle Database 1. Release 2 Patchset 1 1. AES NI available in most Intel XEON 5. CPUs is automatically leveraged by TDE tablespace encryption, making TDE tablespace encryption a near zero impact encryption solution, specifically for datawarehouse environments. The performance overhead associated with encrypting or decrypting a common attribute such as a credit card number column with TDE column encryption is estimated to be around 5. When an index is built on an encrypted column, the index will be built using the cipher text. If a TDE encrypted column is indexed and referenced in a SQL statement, Oracle will transparently encrypt the value used in the SQL statement with the table key and perform an index lookup using the cipher text if all indexes are re build the way they were originally designed before TDE column encryption was applied, customers reported a negligible performance impact. It is recommended that customers, who plan to use TDE column encryption, upgrade to Oracle Database 1. R2 1. 0. 2. 0. 45 and apply patch 7. Oracle Database 1. R1 1. 1. 1. 0. 7 and apply patch 8. Both patches are integrated in Oracle Database 1. Release 2. What are the encryption algorithms that can be used with TDETDE supports AES2. AES1. 92 default for TDE column encryption, AES1. TDE tablespace encryption, and 3. DES1. 68. Is it possible to use 3rd party encryptions algorithms in place of the ones provided by TDE No, it is not possible to plug in other encryption algorithms. Oracle provides encryption algorithms that are broadly accepted, and will add new standard algorithms as they become available. Can I use TDE column encryption on columns used in foreign key constraintsTDE doesnt support encrypting columns with foreign key constraints. This is due to the fact that individual tables have their own unique encryption key. The following query lists all occurrences of RI Referential Integrity constraints in your database. SQL select A. A. tablename, A. A. constraintname. A, dbaconstraints B. A. tablename B. B. R Can columns that are used for joins be encrypted with TDE column encryption Yes. Joining tables is transparent to users and applications, even if the columns for the join condition are encrypted. Can indexed columns be encrypted TDE tablespace encryption supports all indexes transparently. For TDE column encryption, the index needs to be a normal B tree index, used for equality searches. In case of a composite, function based index, the encrypted column cannot be the one that was used for the function. When encrypting a column with an existing index, it is recommended to first extract the index definition with dbmsmetadata. What data types and data lengths does TDE support For TDE tablespace encryption, there are no limitations in terms of supported data types the following data types can be encrypted using TDE column encryption. Secure. File 1. 1g. R1 and laterDoes the data stay encrypted on the networkData encrypted with TDE is decrypted when it is read back from database file. Thus if this data goes on the network, it is clear text data. However, the data can be encrypted using Oracles network encryption solution Example, which is included along with TDE in the Oracle Advanced Security option. Oracles network encryption solution encrypts all data traveling to and from a database over SQLNet. Does the database memory SGA contain clear text or encrypted data With TDE column encryption, encrypted data remains encrypted inside the SGA, but with TDE tablespace encryption, data is already decrypted in the SGA, which provides 1. How do I know which data to encryptIf you have to comply to the PCI DSS standard, then credit card numbers a. Primary Account Number, or PAN need to be stored encrypted. The need to comply to the almost ubiquitous Breach Notification Laws for example CA SB 1. CA AB 1. 95. 0, and similar laws in 4. US states, adds first name, last name, driver license number and other PII to your list. In early 2. 00. 8, CA AB 1. PII data. Additionally, your industry specific privacy and security standards may require encryption of certain assets, plus your own core business assets such as research results in the pharmaceutical industry, results of oil field exploration, financial contracts, or the personal details of informants in law enforcement may be worth encrypting to safeguard this information on the storage medium. In the health care industry, the privacy of patient data, health records and X ray images is of the highest importance. Most X ray images are stored following the DICOM standard, which intentionally includes PII information into the image meta data, making image and patient data readily available to an intruder if not properly protected through encryption. With Oracle Database 1. DICOM images can be stored in Secure. File columns where they can be encrypted either with TDE column encryption, or tables with Secure. File columns or classic LOB columns can be stored in an encrypted tablespace. Where is the data that needs to be encrypted This is the most difficult task ahead of a security team or team of DBAs when using TDE column encryption If you run applications that were developed in house, chances are you can locate tables with sensitive information by talking to your developers. It is more difficult when you run packaged software applications. Since privacy and security requirements are different for each of the deployments of these applications, vendors themselves cannot readily determine what to encrypt. Davids Oracle People. Soft Blog People. Soft People. Tools Meta Tables. This is an attempt to list People. Soft meta tables along with some. Kjv Offline Bible. The list will be broken into. Please feel free. People. Soft Projects. PSPROJECTDEFN table stores information about projects created in Application Designer. SELECT FROM PSPROJECTDEFNWHERE PROJECTNAME YourProjectname PSPROJECTITEM table stores objects inserted into your Application Designer project. SELECT FROM PSPROJECTITEMWHERE PROJECTNAME YourProjectname. Portal Structure. PSPRSMDEFN is a Portal Structure Definition table. A good example is to use this table to find portal path for a specific component. Take a closer look on how this is done PSPRSMPERM Shows the permission lists that are assigned to a. The permission list name. PORTALPERMNAME. XLAT Tables. XLATTABLE Stores translate values People. Soft version prior to 8. PSXLATDEFN Stores all fields that have Xlat values. This table does not store any Xlat values. PSXLATITEM Stores fields with their actual translate values People. Soft version 8. 4 and above. Record Field Tables. PSRECDEFN Stores informations about tables. One row for each. Field count and record type are two fields that are stored on. CASE RECTYPEWHEN 0 THEN TableWHEN 1 THEN ViewWHEN 2 THEN DerivedWHEN 3 THEN Sub RecordWHEN 5 THEN Dynamic ViewWHEN 6 THEN Query ViewWHEN 7 THEN Temporary TableELSE TOCHARRECTYPEEND CASEPSRECFIELD Stores records with all their fields sub records are not expandedPSRECFIELDALL Stores records with all their fields sub records are expandedPSINDEXDEFN Contains 1 row per index defined for a table. PSKEYDEFN Containes 1 row per key field defined for an index. PSDBFIELD You got it, stores information about fields. CASE FIELDTYPEWHEN 0 THEN CharacterWHEN 1 THEN Long CharacterWHEN 2 THEN NumberWHEN 3 THEN Signed NumberWHEN 4 THEN DateWHEN 5 THEN TimeWHEN 6 THEN Date. TimeWHEN 8 THEN ImageWHEN 9 THEN Image ReferenceELSE TOCHARFIELDTYPEEND CASEPSDBFLDLABL Stores field label information. Process Definition TablesPSPRCSDEFNPNL Stores the process definition name, process. PSPRCSDEFN Process definitions table. The record. stores processes that can run within the Process Scheduler. Security. information such as components and process groups are also stored on. Message Catalog Tables. PSMSGSETDEFN Stores information about People. Soft message catalog message sets descriptions, version. PSMSGSETLANG Message sets language table. PSMSGCATDEFN Stores information about People. Soft message catalogs such as message set number, message number and the actual message text. PSMSGCATLANG Message catalogs language table. Example. SELECT FROM PSMSGCATDEFNWHERE LASTUPDATEDTTM TODATE0. DEC 0. 7, DD MON YYAND LASTUPDATEDTTM lt TODATE0. DEC 0. 7, DD MON YYORDER BY MESSAGESETNBR, MESSAGENBR This will return messages that has been last updateadded between 2 specific dates. Previous People. Soft message catalog tables PSMESSAGECATALOG Stores information about People. Soft message catalogs such as message set number, message number and the actual message text. MESSAGESETTBL Message set description table. Example. SELECT FROM PSMESSAGECATALOGWHERE LASTUPDATEDTTM TODATE0. DEC 0. 7, DD MON YYAND LASTUPDATEDTTM lt TODATE0. DEC 0. 7, DD MON YYORDER BY MESSAGESETNBR, MESSAGENBR This will return messages that has been last updateadded between 2 specific dates. Menu Tables. PSMENUDEFN Store Menu related information. No related component info on this table. PSMENUITEM List the menu with all components attached to it. Component Tables. PSPNLGRPDEFN Stores component related information only. PSPNLGROUP This table will give you information regarding a specific component along with the names of pages attached to it. Pages. PSPNLDEFN Stores pages definitions. CASE PNLTYPEWHEN 0 THEN PageWHEN 1 THEN Sub pageWHEN 2 THEN Secondary pageELSE TOCHARPNLTYPEEND CASEPSPNLFIELD Stores all items used by each page definition. CASE FIELDTYPEWHEN 0 THEN Static TextWHEN 1 THEN FrameWHEN 2 THEN Group BoxWHEN 3 THEN Statis ImageWHEN 4 THEN Edit BoxWHEN 5 THEN Dropdown ListWHEN 6 THEN Long Edit BoxWHEN 7 THEN Check BoxWHEN 8 THEN Radio ButtonWHEN 9 THEN ImageWHEN 1. THEN Scroll BarWHEN 1. THEN SubpageWHEN 1. THEN Peoplecode Command ButtonHyperlink DestinationWHEN 1. THEN Scroll Action ButtonHyperlink DestinationWHEN 1. THEN Toolbar Action ButtonHyperlink DestinationWHEN 1. THEN External Link ButtonHyperlink DestinationWHEN 1. THEN Internal Link ButtonHyperlink DestinationWHEN 1. THEN Process ButtonHyperlink DestinationWHEN 1. THEN Secondary PageWHEN 1. THEN GridWHEN 2. THEN TreeWHEN 2. THEN Secondary Page ButtonHyperlink DestinationWHEN 2. THEN Horizontal RuleWHEN 2. THEN Tab SeparatorWHEN 2. THEN Html AreaWHEN 2. THEN Prompt Action ButtonHyperlink DestinationWHEN 2. THEN Scroll Area WHEN 2. THEN Page AnchorWHEN 3. THEN ChartWHEN 3. THEN Push ButtonLinkWHEN 3. THEN Analytic GridELSE TOCHARFIELDTYPEEND CASE. Security. PSPRSMPERM Portal Structure Permissions. PSAUTHITEM Page Permissions. This table stores the information about the page level access for a permission list. PSAUTHPRCS Process Group Permissions. A many to many. relationship table between Permission Lists and Process Groups. Setup. can be found at People. Tools Security Permissions Roles. Process. PSROLECLASS Role Classes table. A many to many relationship table between Roles and Permission Lists. PSROLEDEFN This table stores information about Peoplesoft. Role definitions. Users get permissions to People. Soft objects through. Roles, which are assigned Permission Lists. PSROLEUSER This table stores information about the Users in Peoplesoft and the roles assigned to them. PSCLASSDEFN Permissions List definitions table. Permission list name can be found under Field Name CLASSID. PSOPRDEFN UsersOperator definition table. This table stores. People. Soft users. This is the core table for User. Profile Manager. PSOPRCLS UsersOperator and Perm list mapping Table. This. table stores information about People. Soft users and the permission lists. A User gets these permission lists indirectly through the roles which are attached to the user. Here is an example query post that uses all of the above security tables URL Definitions. PSURLDEFN Stores URL definitions. Here is the path to create. URL definitions in People. Soft Root People. Tools. Utilities Administration URLs. Application Classes. PSAPPCLASSDEFN Application Class Definitions table. You can use field PACKAGEROOT to search for a specific Application Package. People. Soft Query Tables. PSQRYDEFN Stores query related info. PSQRYFIELD Stores all fields used in a query both the fields in the Select and Where clause. PSQRYCRITERIA Stores criteria query fields. You can get the name of the fields by joining the PSQRYFIELD table. PSQRYEXPR Stores query expressions. PSQRYBIND Stores query bind variables. PSQRYRECORD Stores all records used in all aspects of query creation. PSQRYSELECT Stores all SELECT requirements by select type. Example would be sub select, join, ect. PSQRYLINK Stores the relationships to child queries. PSQRYEXECLOG Query run time log table that stores only 8.