Return To Wonderland Game
Wonderland Disney Wiki FANDOM powered by Wikia. Wonderland. Inhabitants. Cheshire Cat, Queen of Hearts, King of Hearts, White Rabbit, Card Soldiers, The Mad Hatter, March Hare, The Dormouse, The Caterpillar, The Walrus and The Carpenter, The Curious Oysters, Dodo, Bill the Lizard, Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dum, Flowers, The Doorknob. Final state. Receded back into Alices subconscious. Wonderland is the main setting for the Disney film Alice in Wonderland which is based on the book by Lewis Carroll. Appearances. Wonderland is Alices own world as a place where nothing is as it is supposed to be and everyone is what they arent supposed to be. Wonderland is shown to be home to many unusual creatures, such as talking flowers and insane animals. One thing to note is that the local food and drink seem to have unusual effects on humans. In Wonderland, everything that Alice eats or drinks causes her to change sizes. Return To Wonderland Game' title='Return To Wonderland Game' />The vast majority of Wonderland is forested, though there are other areas such as a shoreline and a meadow of flowers. Wonderland is shown to be ruled by the Queen of Hearts and her diminutive husband, the King of Hearts. In the film, a beautiful young girl called Alice falls through a mysterious rabbit hole, which eventually leads her to the world of Wonderland. Alices curiosity leads her to search for the White Rabbit, whom she had followed down the hole, as she wishes to know where he is going. She also wishes to find her way back home. Along her journey, she traverses the unusual world and meets its even more unusual inhabitants. However, in the end, it is revealed to her that the world only exists in her dreams and she is able to escape once her sister wakes her up. Wonderland appears as one of the many worlds in the Kingdom Hearts series. It has made an appearance in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts Chain of Memories, Kingdom Hearts 3. Days and Kingdom Hearts coded. It is also one of the few Disney based worlds without a world exclusive ally. Wonderland in Once Upon a Time. Wonderland can be visited from Fairytale Land via the Portal of Doors in Jeffersons hat. Queen Regina convinces Jefferson to take her there to retrieve something from the Queen of Hearts. After successfully retrieving a box from a vault belonging to the Queen of Hearts, the Evil Queen takes a piece of the Caterpillars mushroom and places it in the box, causing her father to appear. Per the rules of his hat which dictate that only the same number of people can exit the Portal of Doors as entered, Jefferson is unable to leave Wonderland. He is brought before the Queen of Hearts and tasked with making another magical hat. This is strongly implied to be the cause of the Mad Hatters madness his inability to create another hat to get home to his daughter. It is later revealed that Cora, the Evil Queens mother, is the Queen of Hearts. It is known the Queen pushed her through an enchanted looking glass that brought her to Wonderland. Still, its unknown how she became Queen there. Wonderland also seems to be a world hated by most people in the Enchanted forest, probably because of its lack of logic. When Regina asks Rumplestiltskin for help with her mother, he tells her he can send Cora to an Annoying Little World. Also, when Jefferson and Regina visit this world, once they meet the caterpillar and he smokes in their face, Jefferson says I Hate Wonderland. Wonderland is the main location in the spin off of Once Upon A Time. It takes place at the same time as the show, and its events will be described in both present and pre curse flashbacks. Photographs, user ratings, cast and crew, reviews, plot summary and trailers. Crysis 1 Crack Windows 7 there. Have you played a Mahjong game in 3D Solve as many challenges as you can in 6 minutes Wonderland Game Visit to the magical world of Wonderland in this PC PuzzleAction game. American McGees Alice is a thirdperson psychological horror action video game released for PC on December 6, 2000. The game, developed by Rogue Entertainment and. A description of tropes appearing in Alice in Wonderland. Number 13 in the Disney Animated Canon, this 1951 adaptation of Alices Adventures in Wonderland. Artlantis Studio 4 Crack'>Artlantis Studio 4 Crack. Alice is the protagonist of the 1951 Disney animated feature film Alice in Wonderland. Walt. All Games Gaming Wonderland. I agree to receive emails from Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc. Return To Wonderland Game' title='Return To Wonderland Game' />Mindspark Interactive Network, Inc. You can withdraw your consent at any time. Please refer to our Privacy Policy or Contact Us for more details. Return To Wonderland Game' title='Return To Wonderland Game' />Alice in Wonderland is a 1951 American animated musical fantasyadventure film produced by Walt Disney Productions and based on the Alice books by Lewis Carroll.